domingo, 21 de abril de 2013

Creative writing

I want to start writing again. When I write, I feel complete, I feel alive. 

About 7 or 8 months ago I was inspired by a 3 minute talk where Matt Cutts presents a simple idea of revitalizing your life by making 30 day challenges with yourself. Ever since I saw this video I haven’t stopped doing my own challenges and spreading the idea. 
For anyone interested, this is the video where. Cutts introduces his 30 day challenges.

So was staring at a blank paper when it dawned on me: my new challenge will start today. I will write every day, for 30 days. Now, I am aware I will run out of things to say because my life is not thaaaat interesting. And my posts might start becoming quite boring. But you know what? I am willing to take the risk.

Cheers and see y'all tomorrow :) 

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